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Only Laporta and Font have required signatures in race to be president


The candidates for the Barça presidency need over 2,000 socios to donate their signatures

| sport
Joan Vehils

There are still 10 days to get signatures but it's proving much more difficult than some of the candidates for the Barcelona presidency imagine.

So much so, in fact, that so far only Victor Font and Joan Laporta would pass the threshold, which is 2,257 signatures from club members, as confirmed to SPORT by the majority of the candidates.

Meanwhile, an expert polling company has revealed to SPORT that Laporta and Font are miles about the rest -- and in that order.


With respect to Laporta, with more than 300 stations where members can sign across Catalonia and beyond, he's making it easiest for socios to donate their support.

He is followed by Font, who has over 150 stations. Of the rest, Jordi Farre's hard work and his idea of donating tattoos and pizzas is helping, with a campaign source telling me 500 pizzas have been given away!

Elsewhere, Toni Freixa, who has experience of campaigning, assures SPORT he is convinced he will make the cut, as do sources working on Xavi Vilanova's campaign, while Emili Rousas is satisfied with the amount of support received this week and Agusti Benedito says he's on track.


In short, there's optimism about making the cut but only Laporta and Font are so far guaranteed to be running in the election on Jan. 24.