FC Barcelona

Real Madrid


World Football



Tusquets named president of Barcelona's managing committee

He met with outgoing president Bartomeu on Wednesday to get up-to-date with the day-to-day

Bartomeu explica su dimisión como presidente del Barcelona / | Perform

Carles Tusquets has been placed in charge of the managing committee that will oversee Barcelona's affairs until a new president is appointed. 

The managing committee's first task is to choose a date for an election to choose a new president after Josep Maria Bartomeu resigned on Tuesday. 

The election must take place no sooner than 40 days and no later than 90 days' time.

Tusquets met with Bartomeu on Wednesday to discuss the handover and to get up to date with the day-to-day running of the Catalan club. 

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Barça later confirmed: "Due to the resignation of the Board of Directors, which was made official on Tuesday night, Economic Strategy President Carles Tusquets took over the role of President of the Managing Committee at the club.

"In a meeting with Members Trustee Joan Manuel Trayter, the members of the Managing Committe were named, consisting of figures from the Economic Commitee and the Disciplinary Committee.

"The following positions on the Managing Committee have been appointed: 

"- Carles Tusquets Trias de Bes: President

"- Joan Ramon Ramos y Raich: Vice-President

"- Joan Lluís Garcia Jobal: Treasurer

"- Josep Maria Mir Padulles: Secretary

"- Miquel Lladó Casadevall: Chairperson

"- Josep Maria Xercavins Lluch: Chairperson

"- Àlex Tintoré y Espuny: Chairperson

"- Sònia Cano y Fernández: Chairperson

"As established in the club statutes, the Managing Committee will undertake the functions of the running, administration and representation of the club that are the responsibility of the Board of Directors. However, their involvement will be limited to actions essential to the maintenance of the normal activities of the club and the protection of its interests. The main function of the Managing Committee is to call for elections to constitute a new Board of Directors, which it must do within three months of its members taking on their roles.


"The Management Commission will hold a meeting tomorrow at 11:30am CEST. Subsequently, at 12pm, president Carles Tusquets will make a formal statement, along with Joan Manuel Trayter."