FC Barcelona

Real Madrid


World Football



Last train for Coutinho at Barça under Xavi

The Brazilian is in over-time at the club but has one more go at salvaging himself

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Philippe Coutinho’s future at Barcelona is unknown. The Brazilian has not found his place at Barcelona. His bad performances have taken him towards the exit ramp.

Xavi spoke to each of the squad and like the others, Coutinho said he would give all he had and has confidence in the new project. So Xavi will maintain confidence in him too and can get something out of him. The idea is to bring back his Liverpool performances that earned him the move.

Xavi hopes he will be important this season, helping to fit into the attack which has a lot of absentees. 

This is Coutinho’s last train to success at Barcelona. It’s gone on long enough. If it doesn’t work out again then he will have to go in the winter window if Barcelona can find a buyer.


Despite the Brazilian’s constant devaluation, at the club they still think someone could buy him. Newcastle, the new moneybags, is an option.