FC Barcelona

Real Madrid


World Football



Toni Freixa to run for Barcelona president, reveals what he'd do differently

Toni Freixa officially announced his decision to run in this summer's elections for the FC Barcelona presidency.

Freixa admitted that "we close a season that has had sporting success, but has been hectic institutionally." He did not hide his unhappiness at the departing junta directiva [board]. 

He added: "The junta directiva have not taken us to the level of excellence that we demand." To that himself, he presented his 11 ideas to improve the club:

1. We play to protect the excellence of La Masia. The sporting future of the club passes through La Masia, the cornerstone of our management. 

2. We play to manage in a sensible and responsible way. The junta directive has to be involved in the management of the club. 

3. We play to raise the role of the socio. They are the main asset and we want to improve the attention they currently receive.

4. We play to firmly defend the club. It must provide mechanisms for managing institutional leadership.

5. We play to end the prosecution of the club.

6. We play to convert Barça into the world's leading brand.

7. We play to create the best atmosphere. The players deserve the club to make every effort to ensure the noise of the crowd is heard.

8. We play to strengthen all sections [of the club] and to fill the Palace. Our different sections are an emblem that make us unique in the world.

9. We play to ensure an acceptable Espai Barça [Camp Nou and its surroundings]. The stadium, the Palace and the surrounding areas require a profound process of renewal and improvement.

10. We play to open the foundation to the socios. We will pursue programs of attention to socios without neglecting other actions that will make [FC Barcelona] universal.


11. We play to regenerate the club from within. Our experience and knowledge allows us to continue making the club the best in the world.