FC Barcelona

Real Madrid


World Football



The motion of no confidence against Bartomeu is up to 7,500 signatures

In order for the motion to pass it will need 16,500 signatures in total, otherwise Bartomeu will remain in charge at Barça

Los promotores de la moción contra Bartomeu piden ampliar los plazos para poder presentarla / | EFE
Sport EN

The motion of 'no confidence' against Josep Maria Bartomeu's leadership at FC Barcelona has announced that it's reached 7,500 signatures this morning. A total of 16,520 is needed to remove the current group from power. 

The platform 'Més que una Moció', which has the backing of presidential candidates Víctor Font, Jordi Farré and Lluís Fernández-Alá as well as eight opinion groups, now has 9-10 days to reach its target. Barça insist the cut-off date is the 17th of September.

The group behind the motion remain optimistic but accept that it is complicated to validate every signature is genuine.


'Més que una Moció' are upset the club wouldn't accept any other form of signature due to the current COVID-19 situation. At the moment, people are required to sign in person.

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