FC Barcelona

Real Madrid


World Football



The club responds to the motion of no confidence: "now is not the right time"

The Vice-President, Jordi Cardoner, has criticised Benedito for starting the process so early in the season

Agustí Benedito has 14 days to collect 16,570 signatures

Cardoner expuso la opinión del club / | sport
Sport EN

The Vice-President of FC Barcelona, Jordi Cardoner, has given the board’s opinion on the vote of no confidence proposed by Agustí Benedito and said “it’s not the right time” for the process.

Cardoner explained that the club understands that “now is not the right time to do it: we think these motions are more appropriate at the end of the season, when you can make an assessment, both in terms of football and of the board, and not just when competitive matches have started”.

Agustí Benedito went to the club today to collect the 33,140 ballots that he will use to try to collect the 16,570 socio signatures he needs for a vote of confidence.

He will have 14 days to collect the signatures, meaning he can use the matches against Espanyol, Juventus and Eibar to explain the motives and collect the signatures.


“We can say, with satisfaction, that the socios are the owners of the club and can start a process like the one started on Friday,” Cardoner said.