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World Football



Lionel Messi writes first emotional letter as part of a series

Lionel Messi published a letter on Thursday with words of support, hope and determination. The letter is the first of a series of 10 that Messi will publish weekly, in conjuction with the isotonic drink brand Gatorade. 

Messi, who is preparing for the derby against Espanyol, will send letters to communities around the world on five continents, including North and South America, Europe, Australia and Asia. 

The communities that will receive handwritten letters will be revealed in the coming weeks.

Here is the content of the letter in full: 

"I wanted to share a few words with you. I’m not normally a man of many words because I believe that, in football and in life, what you do is more important than what you say. Therefore, there is something I would like you to do for me.

"I want you to remember that the difficult things in life – the things that don’t seem fair or easy – they don’t have to stop us. Sometimes the battles we face can seem pretty scary.

"But you can stand up to the things that seem bigger than you. Fight. Persevere. And don’t go down. Keep standing up to your battles, and I’ll do the same.


"Thanks for being an inspiration to me and people everywhere to remember to be strong. Remember life has more in store for you if you just stay up."