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Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez release statement on Barca salary cuts

The players are taking a pay cut and will help club employees too

Leo Messi, como capitán del Barcelona, ha dado su opinion sobre la rebaja salarial en el Barcelona / | sport
Joaquim M. Bertran

Barcelona captain Lionel Messi, and Luis Suarez, released a statement about the posture of the squad in relation to Barcelona's pay-cut.

Messi said that Barca players accept the pay cut offered by the board during the coronavirus crisis. Messi says not only do the players accept the 70% pay cut but will also contribute to make sure club staff can get 100% of their salaries during the crisis.

Messi and Suarez, in the note posted online, say that they have 'ALWAYS' helped the club when asked to, and many times of their own initiative.

However they also hit out at the pressure put on them in recent days. "It doesn't stop surprising us that from within the club there's someone who tries to put us under the microscope and put pressure on us to do something that we always were clear that we would do," wrote Messi.

“Much has been written and said about Baca’s first team in relation to the salaries of players during this period we’re in a state of alarm,” started Messi in the statement, on behalf of the players.

“Before anything we’d like to clear up that our will has always been to have a salary cut because we understand perfectly that it is an exceptional situation.”


Messi also signed off by saying: “We don’t want to say goodbye without sending a loving greeting and much strength to all Barca fans who are suffering in these moments which are so hard, like everyone who is waiting patiently in their houses for this crisis to end. Very soon we will come out of this and we will do it together.”