FC Barcelona

Real Madrid


World Football



Jordi Farré will sue Barcelona board if they delay vote of no confidence

He says he would never sue the club but he will take on Bartomeu and his board

Jordi Farré: Bartomeu debería dimitir / | Rubén Moreno

The driving force behind the vote of no confidence against the Barcelona board, Jordi Farre, says he will take legal action against the board if they delay the vote

In comments to Europe Press, Farre, who also plans to run for the presidency, said "I would never sue the club" but confirmed he's spoken to his lawyer about taking on president Josep Maria Bartomeu and the board if they don't call the referendum within the time limit stipulated in the club's statutes. 

Therefore, if the club don't name a date for the vote on Monday -- the deadline for them to do so -- Farre will take legal action against Bartomeu and the board. 

Farre feels it would a "flagrant breach" of the club's statues which clearly detail they must hold the vote of no confidence within 20 days of the petition being validates. 


Barça are considering delaying the vote due to the health situation in Catalonia. The club want to ensure the voting members of their health and safety before asking them to vote. The Catalan government say Nov. 1 and 2 are fine for them to hold the vote.