FC Barcelona

Real Madrid


World Football



Jordi Farré presents 20,731 signatures at FC Barcelona's office

The leader of the motion of no confidence against Josep Maria Bartomeu has surpassed the 16,520 signatures needed to reach phase 2

Jordi Farré presenta una moción de censura contra Bartomeu / | EFE
Ivan San Antonio

Jordi Farré, the man who is leading the motion of 'no confidence' against Josep Maria Bartomeu and his board of directors, has presented 20,731 signatures to the FC Barcelona offices this afternoon. 

The final count has now been confirmed and is well over the 16,520 needed to move onto phase 2. The group Seguiment are responsible for gathering 3,232 signatures. Other groups, including those led by Fernandez Ala and Victor Font, have added another 9,863 in total.

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However, it is Jordi Farre who brought the most signatures to the final count. The final number for just his group is said to be over 5,000 but it hadn't been confirmed by the time of this article.