FC Barcelona

Real Madrid


World Football



Here are the sanctions Messi will face if he doesn't return on Sunday

Messi will only face heavy sanctions if he doesn't return to Barça on either Sunday and Monday

Messi podría tener problemas si no se presenta a la cita del primer equipo / | VALENTÍ ENRICH

On Sunday Lionel Messi is expected back at Barcelona to undergo PCR tests alongside the rest of the senior squad. The Argentine star has informed the club of his desire to leave but there's no offer on the table nor an agreement between Barça and Leo to sever ties. If he doesn't turn up then Messi would open himself to being fined by the club.

However, if he doesn't appear on Sunday then any sanction would be classified as minor. There's even a suggestion that he wouldn't be sanctioned at all for missing that day because he did inform the club of his intention to leave "effective from the 30th August". 

From Monday, the situation would change massively

From Monday, assuming he didn't appear on Sunday or the training session on Monday, is when Leo would incur severe sanctions: "The first and second failure to attend, without just cause, when not related to a match." 

In that case, there's a chance of suspending the player without pay for between 2-10 days. On a financial level, he could be fined up to 7% of his monthly salary depending on the grade of the offence:

Salaries below or equal to 100,000 euros per month 

Minimum: from 4,01 % to 5 % of the monthly salary.

Medium: from 5,01 % to 6 % of the monthly salary.

Maximum: from 6,01 % to 7 % of the monthly salary. 

Salaries above 100,000 euros per month

The previous percentages for the initial 100,000 are maintained and then the following additional costs are added:

Minimum: from 1,33% of the excess monthly salary.

Medium: from 1,34 % to 2,66 % of the excess monthly salary. 

Maximum: from 2,67 % al 4% of the excess monthly salary.

Leo Messi would obviously be in that second group. 

From Tuesday, the heavier sanctions would start

According to the rules: “The third and fourth successive failures to attend work, without just cause, would incur a heavy sanction."

From this point, the fines and percentages increase significantly. He could be suspended and face missing out on 10-30 days of pay.

Fines up to 25% of the monthly salary depending on the grade of the offence:

Salaries inferior or equal to 100,000 euros per month

 Minimum: from 7,01 % to 13 % of the monthly salary.

 Medium: from 13,01 % to 19 % of the monthly salary.

 Maximum: from 19,01 % to 25 % of the monthly salary.

Salaries above 100,000 euros per month

As before, the following percentages are added onto the initial ones included on the initial 100,000:

Minimum: from 3,33% of the excess monthly salary. 

Medium: from 3,34 % to 6,66 % of the excess monthly salary. 


Maximum: from 6,67 % to 10 % of the excess monthly salary.