FC Barcelona

Real Madrid


World Football



Barcelona close the financial year with 200 million euros in losses

The club admit they've lost more than the 154 million euros expected due to the pandemic

El FC Barcelona prepara el partido frente a un Villarreal intratable / | EFE

The initial predictions for the financial effects of the coronavirus crisis have proved a little hopeful on Barcelona's part, who have closed the 2019-20 financial year with big losses. 

Barça are facing one of the most delicate economic times in the club's recent history and, according to El Periodico, had estimated they would lose 154 million euros this season on their initial predictions. However, the final figure is dangerously close to 200 million. 

The budget drawn up at the target of the season revealed the club would bring in 1.047 billion in revenue this season, but the real number will be around 850 million instead -- they were hoping to be the first club to generate one billion. 

Among the measured adopted to curtail the effects of the pandemic, players took a pay cut which saved the club around 40 million euros. A number of staff members were also placed on furlough. 

But it seems the measures have been insufficient and the club will still record a big loss, with there still uncertainty about when fans will be able to return to games and the club's full income will return. 


Entre todas las medidas adoptadas, la más notoria fue la reducción salarial pactada con los jugadores, no sin crispación y malentendidos, que ha supuesto al club un ahorro de más de 40 millones. También hubo un ERTE a los trabajadores de la entidad. Pero todos estos gestos parece que han sido del todo insuficientes y el hecho de que no se sepa todavía cuándo podrá volver el público y en qué medida ni cuándo se van a reanudar los viajes con cierta normalidad no hacen sino complicar mucho el futuro de la entidad.